All rivers in Heqing County belong to the Jinshajiang River system. In addition to the Jinshajiang River, other major rivers include the Yanggongjiang River, Luolouhe River, Hechuanhe River, Houshanhe River, etc. The Jinshajiang River runs from the north to the south on the east border of the County, with 53.5 km within the County, separating the County from its neighbour Yongsheng County.
The Yanggongjiang River, 121.5 km in length ( 73 km within the County), is a branch of the Jinshajiang River, with a total drainage area of 1,706.3 km2 . According to data by Shikanmen Hydrological Station, the Yanggongjiang River has an average runoff speed of 15.8m3/s, with peak speed at 156 m3/s ( 1979) and low-water speed at 0.02 m3/s (1969).
The Luolouhe River, 48 km in length, has a drainage area of 957.8 km2 , and is located in Huangping Town in the southeast part of Heqing County. With a number of streams feeding into the river, it finally joins the Jinshajiang River at Shanglu Village in Yongsheng County. The River has an average annual runoff of 161 million m3, and an average annual runoff speed of 5.2 m3/s, with peak speed at 238 m3/s (1967) and low-water speed at 0.06 m3/s(1976).
The Hechuanhe River, 14.9 km in length, is located in Longkaikou Town, with a total drainage area of 67 km2. It is fed with water from a big spring pool. During low-water season, it has a runoff speed at 0.3 m3/s. It finally joins the Jinshajiang River.
In addition, a number of smaller rivers and streams in the County, such as the Daqinghe River, Houshanhe River and Qingtouhe River, also join the Jinshajiang River.
Surface runoff in the County mainly come from the above mentioned rivers,with a total surface runoff of 1.1093 billion m3 . Total water use in the County is 70.34 million m3 , accounting for 6 % of the total surface runoff.
Heqing County has many natural springs, including 31 springs with outflow rate over 50 l/s with a total outflow volume of 10.676 m3/s, and 383 springs with outflow rate below 50 l/s with a total outflow volume of 1.129 m3/s. The County has 9 hot springs, including 3 low temperature springs, 4 medium temperature springs and 2 high temperature springs. Low temperature springs produce good quality water suitable for agricultural irrigation and industrial use.